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81st Infantry Division Archive
The Uniforms
If you are looking to sell or donate any item related to the 81st Infantry Division, please contact me.

SGT Walter F. Franke, 36059582
SGT Franke served in Battery A, 316th Field Artillery Battalion. Born 15 August 1919. He enlisted 12 June 1942. He served on Angaur Island & Peleliu Island. He was discharged from active duty in 1946, then he was recalled for the Korean War and served in the 2nd Infantry Division. He was discharged from the Army in 1951. He died 28 February 2004.

SSGT Vanus Spawn, 37088610
SSGT Spawn served in Company M, 323rd Infantry Regiment. Born 5 September 1918. He served on Ulithi Atoll & Peleliu Island. He died 10 January 2008.

SSGT Severyn S. Umerski, 37278752
SSGT Umerski served in Company M, 321st Infantry Regiment. Born 17 June 1919. Enlisted 29 May 1942. He served on Angaur Island & Peleliu Island. Discharged 2 January 1946. He died 23 October 1980

PFC Charlie R. Bowman, 34457723
PFC Bowman served in Company L, 321st Infantry Regiment. Born 8 March 1914. Enlisted 17 October 1942. He served on Angaur Island & Peleliu Island. Discharged 12 December 1945. He died 10 August 1981.

1SG John W. Trollen, 37196979
1SG John W. Trollen served in Service Battery, 318th Field Artillery Battalion. Born 12 August 1914. Enlisted 27 May 1942. Served on Angaur Island. Discharged 21 January 1946. He died 22 October 1983.

2nd LT. Mario M. Susinna,
2nd LT. Susinna served in the Adjutant General Section of the 81st Infantry Division Headquarters. Born 1 April 1919. He started his service on 27 December 1942 as a Warrant Officer. He was a as a Chief Warrant Officer by 1944, and was commissioned as a 2nd LT in 1945. He finished his service 31 July 1970 at the rank of Colonel. He served in Korea and Vietnam as well while still in the AG section.

SSGT Leon W. Brooks, 38128791
SSGT Brooks served in HQ & HQ Battery, 318th Field Artillery Battalion. Born 16 June 1916. He served in the National Guard before the war. He enlisted again 26 May 1942. He served on Angaur Island. Discharged 8 December 1945. He died 20 August 1997.

1st LT. Donald E. Clayton
1st LT Clayton served in the 81st Infantry Division Headquarters as a Adjutant (Infantry). Born 30 June 1918. Died 26 November 2002.
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